Monday, June 30, 2008

Day3-part1: looking forward to some single track!!

The event is starting early today so that organizers have more logistical time to transport bikes for Tuesday's start on the Sunshine Coast.

Stu and Trev are a little concerned about Trevor's knee. Yesterday was an exercise in injury management; don't push so hard as to make it worse, don't push so little that you suck. It is looking, from our current vantage point, that this will be an issue for the next 5 days. Trevor expects the more the single track, the less of an issue it will be.

The leaderboard is much more interesting this year - it is wide open. Last year's winner, Team Trek (Chris Eatough sp?), on word of mouth, displayed unsportsmanlike conduct bitching and complaining about a team from Costa Rica (Manuel Prado) who edged them out for a 3rd in the final sprint. Allegedly 'over' drafting... odd complaint considering Team Trek won every stage last year.

Stay tuned for part 2 of day3 ...



Unknown said...

BTW - we want a fresh digi-pic each day, ... less slacking on this front would be greatly appreciated.

Please consider making an exception on data transfer expenses for the benefit of the blogosphere.

Hope it goes well today!

Sarah said...

I agree - I love the pics as well!! Sounds like things are going well - good pace. Thanks for the birthday wish Uncle Stu!! Nathan is visiting Wednesday - they are excited to see him!! Keep it up boys - my body hurts just reading about your daily treks!!