Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 2 - Trevor's turn to suffer ...

Well, it looks like the 'almost tweaking' transitioned to 'fully tweaking' today for Trevor.

After a very strong start and into the heat (~30C), at ~60km Trevor's right knee started to hurt under quad pressure. Luckily, our legs also have hamstrings, and this is what Trevor used for the remainder of the day, which was a hair under 130km at Port Alberbi.

Low lights:
-125km of fireroad, was a slog, boring and hard
-hot hot hot !!!

High lights:
-Stu had a good day
-fun to finish a little single track

Tomorrow will be more single track (after the 1st 60km) and hopefully that will perk us up as it did today. One mistake today was Trevor locking out the front suspension for the fireroad, we suspect that the harshness is what caused part of the issues.

Just finishing our dinner, the awards ceremony is on, and our eating partners, team Spike Shooter 'mixed' and Spike Shooter 'mens 80+' (David and Mark) got 3rd and 2nd respectively - very strong guys!

Team Winded is now 19/44, not bad considering we had some issues both days :). Our good friends at Team Inflatables had a bit of a hard time today too. Mike was supporting Stu - it seems there was some bonkage going on !

Trevor and Stuart.


Brent said...

A 130 km of knee pain should help add to your character. Glad to hear you guys made it through another day.

Between you and Mike, there are no comments related to your tire selection...

Unknown said...

Ooooo Stu, I'd move away from Trevor man!!!, sounds like the Ebola has moved to the leg - both knees? Ebola sometimes does that according to CDC website, ... :) kidding...

I seem to recall that from last year's blog the first 2 days of fire road were somewhat craptacular.

Keep pushing though - here you would be bitching about the super slippery trails with all the f'n rain weve had, ... and would probably have hurt your knee here without all the great views!...

Brent, what the hell are you doing up at 6:11AM!?