Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 1. Hot and Hilly

Physically and mentally exhausted after finishing day 1 so this will be short. "Just keep swimming". (ala. Finding Nemo) and as Stu's colleague Roger says "remember you are over 40" were alternating through the head today. Overall a surprisingly good day as we finished in 6:40 and 17/41 in our category.
Low lites
-No riding gloves for stuart (he's known to be forgetful) and subsequently fell and tore palm minor ouch
-Stuart lost sun glasses on trail
- Stuart legs cramp up 1/3 in for 3 full hours, just at the start of the days big climb
- Trevors knee started almost tweaking
- Trevor came close to going over handle bars on a very steep grade with lots of pointy rocks
High lites
- Trevors "Ebola" is gone, and felt quite good and strong the whole day
- stuart's cramp disappears in the last 1/3
- Chatting with Tinker Juarez, a mountain bike legend, gave really interesting view point of Race Across America
- great mountain views
- seeing our friends from last, Team Spike, David and Mark, who came in second, and Manuel Prado who came in 3rd.

We are number 165 for anyone looking at the website. Apparently as well, some 'Flake' system on the web page tracks our progress for the day. The organizer tagged us for this treat as a returning team.

Tomorrow should be good :)

Trevor and Stu

Ps - we beat Team Inflatables today :)

Thumbed from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Brent said...

Glad to hear that you guys had a good start to your ride, but v.sad for Stuart and his lack of gloves (without them I feel "off" just riding around the block). You definitely won out on the weather compared to us back home.

Sarah said...

Why are we not surprised on Uncle Stuart's beginning!! We are also not surprised that none of that slowed you down and you overcame it all!! Glad Trevor's bottom is better! Hannah and Weston are quite amused with your commentary. We know Uncle Stuart was thinking of Hannah all day and dedicated his race to her birthday!! Go Team Winded - we are watching!!

Unknown said...

Dan and I just finished a very nice humid hot ride, ... and as we finished up Geoff joined us for a ride out to the Tunnels that he cut short to drink beer on my trailer with Dan and I - Secret trail was slippery with all the rain we had last night but all in all a good ride.

PS. Do you guys read these comment posts?

Wally said...

Hey Trevor! Keep the good riding. I'll be waiting to cheer Team Winded at the finish line at Whistler.