Monday, June 30, 2008

Day3 -Part Deux

Finally today went reasonably well for both of us.

We started out with cool shaded climb through the forest with huge cedars all around us. T's knee was sporting some blue medical tape which pulled his knee cap over a bit, such that his filbert flange was meshing just a touch better with the dingle gromet. In any case, still needed lots of 'management' but it wasn't as painful as Day2. Stu was solid all day, and Trev led the congo line up the big climb which restored some knee confidence. The last 15km could have been excellent... with fresh legs. The initial track was ancient abandoned logging rail which was a bobbing misery. Then it progessed to a series of very windy short sharp 10' drops and rises, all over roots, with trees just a little closer than the width of the handlebars - lovely. The last bit was very fast and fun - nothing like bombing down a twisty 30 degree decline 1' wide track at 45km/h :). It was very hot today, we think 30C +. One of the race workers mentioned that yesterday was a stunning 38C.

We have been given a gps with modem uploading- our race can be tracked at

Tomorrow is an early rise at 5:30, a ferry ride to the Sunshine Coast, starting at 11 on some of the worlds best single track - lots of climbing though.

Mark (our Kiwi friend) told us about Roturua in NZ, a mtb destination. Maybe next year :)

We will make a bigger effort to include pics of the ferry and the trail tomorrow.

Trev and Stu



Wally said...

Keep-up the good work guys. For the knee: ice and duck tape! A true Canadien solution.

Sarah said...

Sounds beautiful!! Except for the look that Trevor is sporting!! Does this mean that Stuart is carrying the team??!! Go team Winded!!!

Brent said...

Glad that you both made it through those first three long days. That's how many trips to the Gatineau Park fire tower and back??? Now you`re on to the fun stuff.

DBswimz said...

For sure it depends on who is 'thumbing' as to who is carrying the team Sarah! Sounds like some hot temps ... not like here in cool Flatario. And Trevor, don't forget the Advil ... pre-dose before breakfast (with Wally's ice) then more right through the day. Rip it up guys!