Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day5 - best yet

So the trail named "HWY 103" is the trail of dreams.

13km of sometimes incredibly fast, loamy and carvy track to the other times highly tight steep and technical descents .... and just littered with skinnys and bridges just to mix it up a bit. I can't think of a better way to end a race stage, particularly in such beautiful Pacific rainforest. Trevor was on fire for the big descent ("I have never laid down a bike like that in my life!!"), and Stu was on him like sticky on honey ("chasing the Turbo"). *Everybody* at the end of this stage was all smiles !!

Team Winded beat a few teams today we were gunning for, putting 17 minutes on team #102 "Giant/Cyclepath Calgary", and about 10 minutes on team #29 "Big Ring Racing Ripped Ninja Squad" from Ottawa. And we even beat the #4 girls team #148 "Steed Sistas" - we can now consider ourselves amongst the top womens teams :)

Polysporin was at a premium. So much so, a women at the medical tent with a minor scrape was not going to let Stuart have a dab for a dime sized blister. She insisted she needed the whole six inch tube of it for her 5 inch scape.
Stuart: "But I just need a little dab"
Woman: "I'm sorry, I really need it for my scrape, and I walked an hour in the sun to get this, why don't you get your own in town?"
Stuart walks over, but the shuttle to town is jam packed. He walks back ...
Stuart: "Please, just a little dab!! See? it is this for this penny sized blister on my hand ... where I hold the handlebar ... all day long tomorrow "
Woman: "I'm sorry"

Last evening wasn't all so bad though, after dinner, Brooks, the medical director, gave some really great advice: "don't eat poop" and discussed ways to avoid passing on sickness.
"Wash your hands after you poop.....with soap and water. The soap is an astringent and will loosen the poop from your hands and the water will rinse it away. Use a paper towel to turn the tap off because they also will have poop"
To bad Trevor missed Brooks announcement because he usually finds any talk about bodily functions really funny.
One more thing for all you folks who ride with Trevor. Remember to keep reminding him not to blow his nose when you ride behind will eventually have an affect if we all keep repeating it. The term "Belgium Mist" stopped being cute around the 3rd time Stuart got a face full of snot.

Tomorrow will be quite difficult, so the remains of the day is for R&R - rest and recover.

Stuart and Trevor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally, finally!!! someone is snotting on Trevor - I feel that the Karma of the universe has delivered this payback from me to him!

Sounds like it was smiles all around - keep the rubber side down!